Scott, there's Terrill (before the gimpnes haha), and Breanna and Lara in the background
This is Breanna trying to be a model hahaha j/k Breanna
This is me on the drums
me hugging my kit, i just like my drums alright!
Lol here is my school pic, i hate it and my scanner made it look dumb
Jessica Osmond, with her five alive
My dream drum set! Tama rockstar
My dream double bass pedal, Tama iron cobra
haha this is jordan playing jumping. He is one of the guitar players in the band
Matt the bass player
haha this crap face grad picture
terrill's box jump...almost done!
everyone that went to my party
my cake with amy's sick hand in it
amy and jessica at my party (the didn't really have fun lol)
travis,kim,courtney,ryan, and kelsey