My Shout-outs
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Rodney Mullen Page

Band Of The Week

Blink 182 Page

Guest Book Page



Summer rock:

Katie- Hahah liam looks perfessional, perfessionaly dirty! haha that was awesome. Glad i met you your pretty cool haha and you play drums and your a girl! what is up with that haha j/k We need to hang out sometime

Sam: Hahah had some funny tiems with you and katie. Next time i'm in halifax we should hang out. Sorry i couldn't hang out after battle of the bands.

Zack: "zack you rule" zacl: "thank you i try my best" haha that was sweet when you yelled that on stage. Thanks for letting me come on during your performance at the last concert it was awesome. Me, you and charlie need to jam sometime.

Nick Osbourne: katie has the hots for you it's not even funny.

Pat: haha your like the smallest drummer there and your like one of the best, well...probably the best drummer there. See you next year.

Josh: Thanks for drawing pics of me on the board they so looked like me.

Everyone else:

Kim: Words do now express how stoked i really am for finding you at tumbleweed. Ever since then i have been so excited to see you again over and over. When i'm around i forget all my problems and i start to have fun again. At my party thanks for listening to my problems lol. You acctually sat down and just talked them over with me...Thank you. I don't know if we will go out or not since it's all up to you which is fine.....i do love you. -awesome emoness right there!

Jordan: your an annoying crackhead who is going to get run over haha(he told me to put that)

Brittany L- Haha your almost cooler then your sister lol it's cool that you like Taking back sunday. Don't listen to simple plan and good charlotte! there bad they like satin!on't listen to them! haha

Amy F: Hey, geez how many times did i sign your guestbook. Normal i can't get any normal then that!

Jessica O: I'm really really realyy +infinity going to miss you when you move, please visit

Jessica S- I know you pretty pissed at me right now and i know i can't change what i said but i'm sorry.

Kerry: Lol looks like you find a new friend: booze. Thanks for letting me copy off you all thouse times in class, I knew you wouldn't let me fail

Jessica M- Some nice times swimming with you. You ruined my changes with thouse babes that were there!

Breanna- I'm even debating about taking you off this breanna. I try to work things out by inviting you to my party but you never even told me you didn't come and stuff and that just look stupid. I know you "had" to go to cobequid. But Jessica was talking to you on the phone and she got of saying you weren't coming so that was pretty stupid of you you shithead! 

Chris- Hey, thanks for coming to my party haha it was good that my dad didn't care about the chair you broke lol that was funny at the time.

Terrill- What izup. Nice language we got going on here. Hahah dude sometime we totally need to get  mellowed. Like the high quality stuff at g's. I have to help you with the ramp today!

James- Lol i haven't seen you since i left your house. Dude i was just mad for like that morning because i was hungry and tired and you were like pissing me off the whole night and then you never even gav us any breakfast so i had to leave and get food. Haha i heard your mom got mad that i left.

Matt F- hey man that sucks that your moving away, but you better come on msn more so we can talk about all the friends you've been making, lol if you get any hahah jk jk

Kenny p- Sucks that your moving man, i will miss you telling me how the bands i like blow and they have no talent. Visit!



Other People

AbBy- hey we should hang-out some time you seem like a cool person

JeFf R- hey hopefully we can hang out some time. Just don't live near you that's all

DaNiElLe (little buddy number 1)- hahaha i'm not a petafile or a melester or anything, why would you think that, sorry you were scared i was jking around

Jillian(little buddy number 2): hey jillian, haha your my little buddy, that might sound a little scary lol, we should hang out more, in the summer we should swim in the river again and i can't drink the lake water and the salt water haha that was great

Sarah: Hey your prety cool, hanging out with you was cool. Hahaha you and your roxy's

Megan: What is up megster, it was cool hanging out with too, that was funny when your just standing there and then all of a sudden kerry's like ya this girl knows what's up and you have no clue what he's talking about. Hahaha